Friday, May 31, 2013

Good Morning Everyone,
Today it is quiet in my house, on mornings like this I cherish the quietness, listening to the fish tanks running their water, and having my morning coffee in peace. In just a few Willy will be and ready to start his busy day. Last Saturday my grandmother past away, today is her funeral, my heart is heavy and sad. Willy will be staying with my MIL (mother-in law) while we are at the funeral. After that Willy gets to see his sister for a play date for an hour. We will be doing those at least once to twice a week. This will help in determining if the two siblings will be able to live with each other. There is a lot of background to that, however I am not at liberty to discuss it at this time. We have done so many awesome things, We have learned that Willy is a complete fish in the water, he loves water. Whitefish was amazing, he did so well at the Condo and he can't wait to go again. He went on his first Hike in Glacier and he was such a great kid, only a couple of times he scared me!!!! But then again I guess that is me being over protected. We have lots of pictures that I have put on the digital picture frame and we have to get some blown up and framed so that we can put them on the walls in our home!!!! The experience of being his "mommy" has totally changed my perspective as a parent and as a person. The bond that Nathan and Willy have is so special that sometimes I feel a little left out. I know over time that will change. He definitely has grown a lot in his 5 weeks with us. We are having less outbursts in bad behavior and more awesome behaviors. I believe he is starting to get to where he can trust us and know that we are here for him. That "NO HARM" will be done to him. Potty training this week as been great only a few accidents. He is really blossoming, words can't describe what the first few weeks were like. It was definitely trying. I wouldn't change it for the world. We are so blessed to be his
 "mommy and daddy".

Friday, May 24, 2013

Fertility or Foster Parenting

As of February of 2012 we decided that fertility treatments were going to be to expensive, and it was brought to our attention that there are so many children that need home, love, and most importantly a family to call their own. After a lot of heartaches and tears that the realization of being biological parents may not happen it was really hard to grasp and understand. How is that so many women can have children with out any issues, but struggle even taking care of them, have bad habits, and I have other feelings that maybe I shouldn't share only because I might offend them. So as of March 2012 we started doing foster parenting classes, I felt so at home and knew that God was pointing us in the right direction. We received our license in July and have looked at so many files to make sure that it will be a perfect match. We did accept several children  however things fell through. We looked at this file with a little girl and boy, however we just didn't think that we could take both. Until March when we received a call saying as of right now it would only be the little boy and the girl would join our home in 6-8 months after the little boy was placed into our home. We recently got our match to the most amazing and wonderful 4 year old boy. The struggles that this little guy has had in his life is just heart wrenching. The first few weeks of placement were really tough, he tested boundaries, hitting, kicking, spitting, throwing things, these are just a few of the behaviors that was being displayed by our son. All the parenting classes we went through honestly didn't prepare us for the actually reality of handling a troubled child. 
     As the weeks have moved on and we are into our first month his behaviors have slowly diminished, although we still are seeing the hitting, kicking etc. We are finally bonding and working towards attachments. We have had so many first, like first camp out in the backyard, fire pit, smores, swimming in the hot tub at my parents, using the urinal at the restaurant  He has truly been a gift from God, he is such a wonderful little guy that we are so blessed to have into our home. He has truly filled that void that we have been missing in our life. I know it has been awhile since I posted on here, this is my promise that I will continue to write more.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Going from Clomid to FSH Shots?

     How to start this, Haven't been very good and keeping this updated, well we started Clomid (Clomiphene) in July along with charting temperatures. Every morning before I get out of bed, I would have to take my temperature and record it to see if I am ovulating. I also started taking Provera (Medroxyprogesterone) to be able to start my cycle and Clomid to help ovulate. I honestly didn't know that when you start your cycle that sometimes you don't ovulate I just assumed that when you start your cycle you are ovulating, well apparently that is not the case. So Nate and I have been doing this since July, it has been kind of crazy especially my emotions have so out of wack, one minute I am fine and the next thing I know I am crying for no reason. Here is a prime example, I was driving home from school one afternoon , I really wasn’t feeling well, I had just started the Provera a couple of days before when I cought myself speeding as I was slowing down a cop caught me and pulled me over, I rolled down the window, and the officer took one look at me and asked if I was ok, I then proceeded to tell him no I am not ok as I am crying I told him how Nate and I are trying to have a baby and I am on this medication causing me to have my emotions on my sleaves and not to mention I feel like throwing up. The cop took my license and insurance took another look at me and said “just make sure you slow down it is 25 for a reason.” I was like thanks officer as I am wiping my snotty nose on my coat sleeve because I didn’t have any Kleenex in my car.. A few weeks later same cop pulled me over because I was tailgating this jerk who crossed four lanes of traffic and cut me off. Once again I gave him my information, He then asked “Why are you following so close to that car.” My reply “ I was trying to teach him a lesson, he shouldn’t have cut me off and cross four lanes of traffic.” Nate and my friend Callie were like really your going to get arrested, don’t tell him that.” The cop realized who I was and told me “You really need to watch how close your driving to another car. Have a good night.” My only thought on that one is now he saw the other side of the angry side, I feel for this cop, he not only saw me crying like a stuffed pig, but he got to see the angry side that sometimes can be a little out of hand. LOL.
       I have found that I do have a really great support system from family and friends. I know that I can be hard to get along with, especially at these times. So thanks to all my family and friends for being understanding…..
     So today I got a phone call, I was working but I knew that was my Dr. office, I answered went into the walk in only because it was a little more quiet and a little bit more private. My Dr and his nurse pretty much said that the Clomid isn’t working, and that our next step is to try this Mini source 2, where it is 2 shots of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and one shot of HCG then I have to have a sonogram done, now if anyone knows 90% of insurances don’t pay for fertility specialist or treatments, so Nate and I are going from $100 a month to at least $500-600 increase in bills and prescriptions. This in itself is really scary.  After crying for what seemed like an hour to my MIL and then talking to Nate, I feel much better, although I can’t help but feel that a part of me is letting everyone down that I can’t get pregnant at a drop of the hat like most woman can. I honestly have lots of mixed emotions. I know that there is a lot of woman that have more than one child and can barely take care of themselves let alone have 4-5 children how fair is that? I just don’t understand. It completely breaks my heart, knowing that the one thing that I struggle with is conceiving a child and there are tons of woman out there could care less about their children as long as the state gives them a check each month, Really what has the world come to. I do know that the one thing that I want to give Nate is something that is extremely hard, my body apparently doesn’t think that we would be capable as parents or do I blame God. Who can I blame, where do I place the blame, me myself and I? How is that no matter what we do as human beings it is a struggle to acquire the one dream that we both so desperately want to have is it really too much to ask? I pray every night and ask God to help guide me in the right direction, I feel like not only do I fail as a woman, I fail as a daughter, a sister, and WIFE, I fail at life itself. So really why did God not let me keep Destiny? Why did he call her home when he did? Why won’t God give us the chance to be parents? What have I done that was and is so Terrible that I can’t give the one gift that means the world to us a CHILD.. I have this emptiness inside me that never subsides, my arms ache just be able to hold a child of ours, one to call our own. I know that I sound like I am doubting God, but really I am not I just have questions that only he can answer. So what do I do, I continue to leave it in Gods hands…. You know it is so much easier said then done.
     I have so many things running through my head. My emotions once again are completely out of control. I have fits of Jealousy, rage, frustrations, hurt. Where and when does it get easier. When do we say enough is enough, how much heartache can one person go through?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The start of our Journey to Parenthood

When Nate and I met 4 years ago, we both knew we wanted children. I from a previous relationship had a little darling angel named Destiny, she was born premature and lived for 23 days when God called her home. That time in my life was very difficult and honestly still is, I have my bad days, but what parent wouldn't if they lost a child. Parents are not suppose to bury their children. They are suppose to bury us.
So when Nate and I decided to start family 3 years ago, I knew that it would be a possibility that it would be a difficult road and journey ahead of us. I have what is called Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS for short.  The definition of this is: Polycystic ovary syndrome is a condition in which there is an imbalance of a woman's female sex hormones. This hormone imbalance may cause changes in the menstrual cycle, skin changes, small cysts in the ovaries, trouble getting pregnant, and other problems. 
After Nate and I got married we really had a long talk about children. We both know that we are not getting any younger, and we also know the risks of pregnancy after 35,  and with my previous pregnancy we knew that we need to start seriously thinking and talking things threw. We made an apointment with my Dr. in October of 2010 from there she referred us to a fertility specialist after many attempts to get things going for us, this would be the start for our journey to fertility and children.
I will continue on this tomorrow since at this time it is getting late. I hope this finds everyone well.
Lots of Love always,
The Snyders
Jessica and Nate